
2016年9月5日 星期一

阿明的夏日洋裝保養小秘訣 How To keep Summer Dress In Good Condition

If you are a retro dress lover and shop with budget
then you must familiar with Hell Bunny brand

Most of Bunny summer dresses use thin cotton fabric,
so they wrinkle very easy and also I have noticed that Bunny line dresses color also fades very easily after water wash

It took some time for me to figure out  how to maintain Bunny dresses to not wrinkle and keep its color

不僅容易退色 也很容易起皺摺


I purchased this blue polka dots dress about 4 years ago
and I'm glad now it still maintains its beauty

但是因為每次穿後 阿明都有幫她做保養


so here are my little tips

* turn the dress inside out and hand wash in the soapy (clothes detergent) water

*  put the dress into the washing machine Drain&Spin
( I sometimes put my dress into the laundry net bag to protect it )

* hang dry the dress in the air about an hour

* set your iron on "cotton" and steam iron your dress when it's still damp

* when finish ironing the damp dress
put the dress back to hang dry again until its completely dry

after the dress completely dries out
I usually check some wrinkle areas and iron it again, you can also spray fabric starch on the dress as you wish
until you get the results you like. 

* 將衣服洗滌劑放進水裡 用手攪出泡泡 
把洋裝由內往外翻過來  "手洗"洋裝

*洗淨後 將洋裝放進洗衣機裡脫水
( 我有時會將洋裝放進洗衣網袋裡脫水 讓洋裝多一層保護) 

* 脫水完後 將洋裝晾乾1小時 ( 美國比較乾燥 
如果以台灣的濕度來算 阿明建議將洋裝晾乾(風乾)至少2小時) 

* 晾乾後 你的洋裝應該還是處於有點半濕的狀態 
這時將你的熨斗設定在 "棉料" 然後用蒸氣燙你的洋裝

* 燙好後 將洋裝再次放回曬衣架晾乾(風乾) 

* 等到洋裝整個乾了 
如果有 再用蒸氣燙過一遍不平的皺褶處
你也可以噴上 fabric starch 

- 照片中的是帶有清淡薰衣草味的spray 
所以顏色是紫色的  一般則是透明的液體噴霧

噴上了 fabric starch 再燙過的衣服 也會更加服貼工整喔~


Dress ~ Hell Bunny
Cardigan ~ Papaya
Wedge Sandals ~ Clarks
Bag ~ Betsy Johnson

I hope this will help you to maintain your dress


Stay Cute & PinUp!


