
2012年2月3日 星期五

Bride's Wedding Gift ~ 台灣的西式喜餅

在台灣, 婚前的傳統習俗非常多,
在每個不同城巿和鄉鎮, 又有更多不同的禮節要遵守,
新娘結婚前通常會贈送"喜餅"給要來參加婚禮的親朋好友們, 視同分享喜悅,
近幾年來西式喜餅的外包裝愈來愈新穎, 內容物則是大家都愛吃的零嘴之一

There are a lot of traditional customs to be followed in a Taiwan traditional wedding,
and in different cities and towns, various customs exist.
For the purpose of sharing happiness, the bride will send "Wedding Gift" to her friends and relatives before the Big Day.
Nowadays, sending wedding cookies has been a general choice for the bride in Taiwan.
Cookies are easy to preserve, and what makes the receiver really happy is that the design of cookie boxes are getting fancier and fancier, so while he/she enjoy those cookies, the box can be kept for domestic use.  Some boxes are even designed like jewelry boxes.
And the cookies, not to mention, are very delicious.

That is the inspiration I make this series of work.

1 則留言:

  1. 那種中間有糖漿的餅乾我好懷念喔!!!
